February 27th, 2022

By Brad Papotto


What Video Conferencing Means for IT Leaders in Mining, Energy & Resources

Energy & Mining

The workplace is changing. This means that internal operations need to evolve in order for a business to keep up with the rest of the industry. If you are unable to adapt, you run the risk of disadvantaging your employees and, in turn, your competitors are advantaged

The most dramatic workplace change in recent times has been the shift to hybrid working arrangements. Under this arrangement, some employees may work remotely while others continue to work in-office.

A change of this magnitude has extraordinary ramifications for IT. No longer just servicing an office block and its meeting rooms, IT departments must now adopt and manage technology that allows employees to work consistently, whether they are in the office or remote.

When it comes to the mining, energy and resources sector, there is an added layer of complexity. This is because, in this sector, meeting rooms aren’t consistent as the conditions of these meetings may change frequently, depending on current job locations.

With this in mind, it would be very easy for IT leaders to render the idea of facilitating remote work as an impossible task. However, video conferencing solutions make the impossible possible.

Video conferencing solutions help IT leaders control and optimise meeting rooms – and the associated tools and devices – with ease, helping companies within the mining, energy and resources sector to not only optimise operations, but to also keep pace with competitors.

Simplifying the experience

When IT professionals employ video conferencing solutions within a mining, energy and resources setting, everyone benefits. This is because video conferencing simplifies the user experience.

For employees, it is as simple as being able to log on and begin work individually, or log on and launch a video meeting with remote and in-office colleagues. By simplifying the user experience, employees will gravitate towards the new systems.

Equipping employees with the tools needed to perform makes workflows smoother, and the flexibility offered by video conferencing means that employees can connect their own laptop and device, even if colleagues are running the meeting on other video applications.

Video conferencing also helps to facilitate remote working environments, providing the tools employees need in order to be able to seamlessly transition from working at home to working in the office.

By using collaboration tools in the office and providing employees with access to these tools at home, the user experience is further maximised and simplified. By providing employees with the right tools, they have access to everything they need in order to work.

Providing consistent technology means that whether employees are working on site or at home, they can always pick up where they left off. Having the same tools provides a level of familiarity and consistency. Making work, under any arrangement, seamless.

Video conferencing solutions simplify the experience for busy workers who don’t have the time to deal with intricate technology systems. Yet video conferencing also provides other benefits, namely in the form of visibility, which consequently makes IT’s job easier as well.

Why providing the right tools benefits IT

Video conferencing solutions provide benefits that can be felt throughout an entire organisation. For workers, these tools overwhelmingly simplify and heighten the user experience.

They also provide a level of adaptability, meaning that workers could be in office or at home and still work productively. This inherent adaptability means there are no sacrifices as each tool is designed to help workers look and sound professional in any environment.

By providing employees with a tech experience that is simple and adaptable, the IT team benefits greatly. Firstly, by providing employees with devices that quite literally plug and play, calls for support are drastically reduced. Secondly, support, when needed, is easy to provide. This is because video conferencing solutions are easily monitored and scalable.

When IT personnel are able to quickly identify the issue, thanks to intuitive management devices, providing support can be streamlined.

As video conferencing tools are scalable, IT leaders can then easily adapt these tools to meet the demands of the business. With access to each tool, IT can also easily deploy system updates so that device downtime is limited without compromising product effectiveness.

Why consistency is important when it comes to technology

When working in the mining, energy and resources sector, it can be hard to achieve consistency. This is because meeting rooms could change depending on job locations, which could also change on a month to month basis.

With the nature of meeting rooms uncertain, it’s tempting to fully equip one meeting room and have a few subsidiary meeting rooms with limited resources. However, this is harmful on two fronts. Firstly, it’s a poor use of real estate. Secondly, there’s again the issue of no consistency.

In terms of real estate, some rooms will remain underused while other rooms will be overused. This is less than ideal when you consider room optics. For example, an overused room could seat 20 people, but only groups of 5 may continually occupy the room.

In addition, if you equip each meeting room with different devices, employees can’t gain any familiarity. This makes it hard to start meetings on time or connect their devices appropriately.

Additionally, the use of different technology and products makes it hard for IT to provide helpful services. All of this impacts productivity.

However, this all changes thanks to the consistency provided by video conferencing solutions.

As a result, workers are more productive and IT professionals gain complete visibility. And with the ability to track meeting room and real estate insights through the help of the Logitech Sync, IT leaders have access to information that could help a business improve operations.

What Logitech offers your organisation

With hybrid working arrangements only growing in popularity, providing a consistent work environment will be the key to enjoying sustained success and retaining employees in the long term.

However, consistency can be hard to achieve, especially when you consider the ever changing locations of employees in the mining, energy and resources sector. Luckily, Logitech’s video conferencing solutions can provide simple and consistent solutions.

These solutions, while ensuring that employees are productive, no matter their working environment, also have benefits for IT leaders. Offering unparalleled visibility, video conferencing allows IT leaders to look at operations and determine what can be improved.

By removing uncertainty, IT leaders answer less calls for help and have more time to compile and track data, helping improve operations in a competitive business landscape. To improve operations for your business, contact a Logitech sales expert today.

Brad works with businesses across Western Australia and South Australia to enable them to future proof with Logitech Solutions. He prides himself on genuinely understanding not only the business outcome, but what his client’s perfect meeting experience looks like. Not only for the people in the room, but those furthest from it, so he can tailor a solution which increases engagement and provides value to all.

With 20 years of experience, Brad loves the outcome of helping people embrace video collaboration technology and the innovation, productivity, diversity and connection it can consistently deliver in a simple way regardless of location.

Brad Papotto
Enterprise business development manager - WA | SA

We help businesses transform the way
they communicate

Our organisations have built a solid relationship over many years and found Logitech’s unified communication range of products fit for purpose and quality in design & build. Their plug and play methodology across the technology range works seamlessly with Zoom Video Conferencing - With consistent new and exciting development and innovation across the business.

Manager, Meeting Room Experience
Enterprise Technology | National Australia Bank Limited

The Australian Red Cross are an organisation focused on humanitarian values. Everything is about face-to-face relationships and that’s very difficult to do when you have 120 sites across the country. Now, with everyone able to communicate and collaborate face-to-face, it’s changing the way we work.

Head of ICT Operations
The Australian Red Cross

We tried upwards of 10 different manufacturers and devices... Once we found a solution that worked, we put it in every single room so the user experience got a lot better.

Manager, Service Delivery
Hall & Wilcox

We share a lot of learnings and knowledge with local Tasmanian organisations – they’re looking at the Universities meeting rooms and Video Conferencing solutions to guide the design process of their own spaces.

Manager, Unified Communications IT Services
University of Tasmania

Our previous video conferencing service was proving inadequate, which was deterring employees from using it. We decided to switch to Logitech. The new solutions have been a real hit with our employees, delivering excellent performance and seamless integration with our existing work collaboration applications. Being able to manage the technology in house also means we can now be proactive in our incident response, meaning less downtime for users.

Senior Product Manager for Unified Communications
Department for Work and Pensions, British Government

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